Радови |
- Optimization of multi-pass turning and multi-pass face milling using subpopulation firefly algorithm/ Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science /Goran R Miodragovic, Violeta Ðordjevic, Radovan R Bulatovic and Aleksandra Petrovic/ DOI: 10.1177/0954406218774378/2018
- APPLICATION OF MULTICRITERIA DECISION MAKING IN SELECTION OF OPTIMAL TOOLPATH/Proceedings The Ninth International Triennial Conference Heavy Machinery HM 2017/Aleksandra Petrović, Slobodan Ivanović, Goran Miodragović, Vladan Grković/2017/ISBN 978-86-82631-89-7/B13-18
- Optimisation of tool path for wood machining on CNC machines/Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science/Petrovic A, Lukic Lj, Ivanovic S, Pavlovic A / doi:10.1177/0954406216648715 /2016/ ISSN:0954-4062
- NC Tool Path and Its Influence on Cutting Force in Peripheral Milling Analyses/ IMK-14 – Research & Development in Heavy Machinery / Aleksandra Petrović, Slobodan Ivanović, Ljubomir Lukić/2015/vol. 21(2015)2/ ISSN 0354-6829/ pp. EN41-46
- Matrix Blank Description as Part of Module for Machining Parameters Generation along the Tool Path for Peripheral Milling/ IMK-14 Research & Development In Heavy Machinery - Journal of Institute IMK “14. Oktobar”/ Slobodan Ivanović, Aleksandra Petrović, Ljubomir Lukić/ 2015/vol. 21(2015)4 /ISSN: 0354-6829/ pp. EN119-124