Improved and new courses
A key part of the SENVIBE project at Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo were changes of the curricula of the courses related to noise and vibrations within the B.Sc. study programs in Engineering. The changes comprised both the improvement of the present courses and a new subject was introduced at the OAS Civil Engineering.
The improvement of the curricula of the programs of the existing subjects consists in harmonizing the learning outcomes of subjects dealing with noise and vibration protection with other academic institutions participating in the project, as well as in adaptation of the existing curricula to the harmonized learning outcomes. In addition, new electronic learning materials have been developed for needs of new and improved courses.
The SENVIBE project led to the following changes in the study programs of the Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo:
B. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
- Technical Physics – improved subject
- Maintenance and Diagnostics - improved subject
- Noise and Vibration Protection - improved subject
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering